Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Adventures in Kedge

Last night, as we few intrepid adventures, wandered through the watery depths of the lost keep of kedge, we happened upon not only one but two of the rarest of creatures.  After facing certain death at the jaws of the cauldron sharks and avoiding the impalement upon swordfish, our luck turned for the better.  In a chamber below the main hall, the golden haired mermaid swam unaware of our presence.  We were able to take the fierce creature and, for our prize we were awarded a lock hair from her golden mane.  Thinking that our adventures were finished for the night we relaxed in the clam that comes after the storm.  Just as we relax in our victory we were set upon by the ravenous Cauldronboil.  Strike after strike, blow after blow the beast took from the mighty Vangorr yet it kept coming. I lent my blades in the hopes of striking a vital spot thus giving Vangorr the opportunity go fell the beast. At last the killing blow was dealt and the creature lie still upon the ancient tile floor.  To my great surprise, within the gullet of the beast I found the lost kedgemail gauntlets.  Our adventure was at an end however we vowed to revisit the lost keep to discover what other wonders lay within its watery recesses.

From screenshots
From screenshots

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life Happens

Every now and then something will happen that will bring you to both the edge of tears as well as laughter.  Today as I sit playing on my little computer in a world of my own, my daughter comes to me with a sweet look on her face.  I look into the eyes that make me smile and as I take in her smile I notice that something is a little wrong.  It would seem that my darling little girl had gotten hold of a pair of scissors and had tried to make herself beautiful.  There in the middle of her forehead I saw a patch of stubble that extended two inches by four inches from front to back. The joy in seeing my daughter turned to shock and I quickly thought of so many different things.  “How did this happen?” “Did she do this to herself or was it a friend?” “Did she cut herself?” “How was I going to fix this?”  I had so many different thoughts at once.  I hurt for my daughter and the pain that she would go through. 
My wife and I decided that the only way to really fix this was to cut off all her hair.  Although very traumatic for a girl it was our only choice.  We striped her and started to cut off her hair.  I thought to myself as I cut “my daughter is going to look like Britney spears”  She had her bath when it was all over and of course we have pictures, but now she looks so sweet in her head scarf. 
My little boy, so as to lessen the pain that his sister was going through wanted to cut his hair too.  He was fine with it until I actually started cutting but by then it was too late.  So now I have two little bald children.  My son wanted me to cut my hair as well and I thought about it.  In the end I kept my hair as did my wife and my daughter, hopefully, has learned her lesson.